Wet'n'wild primeri [recenzija]
ožujka 10, 2017
Heej svima! Ujutro sam vas obavijestila da ću danas objaviti recenziju o dva wet'n'wild primera. O bazama tj. primerima sam vam već pričala u prvom dijelu MakeUp Basics serijala (KLIK). Pa da ponovimo : osnovna zadaća primera je zaglađivanje kože kako bi puder što bolje 'sjeo' te produljenje trajnosti šminke. Puno sam čitala o wet'n'wild bazi za kapke za koju dosta blogerica tvrdi da je najbolja drogerijska baza. Nakon takvih recenzija, naravno da sam ju morala imati! Ugledala sam i primer za lice i odlučila kupiti i njega, why the hell not. :D Dosta dugo sam ih testirala i došlo je vrijeme da i oni osvanu na mom blogu.
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
Prije svega moram vam priznati da volim wet'n'wild kozmetiku. Sjećam se kako sam davne 2013. s nestrpljenjem čekala da konačno stignu u Hrvatsku. Kada su se po prvi puta pojavili u mom DMu pokupovala sam pola asortimana. Doslovno.Oduševljena sam njihovim ruževima (iako je ambalaža blagi užas), korektorima, paletom za obrve, puderom i rumenilima. Stvarno su ostavili dobar utisak na mene. U zadnje vrijeme sam zanemarila taj brend, no primjetila sam kako se u našoj blogosferi redaju pozitivne recenzije o ovim proizvodima i ponovo sam uplovila u wet'n'wild svijet.
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a magic
potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess? Well,
we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer can be
used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill in
fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother! - See more at:
Krenimo prvo sa CoverAll 'Partners in Prime' bazom [odličan naziv haha]. Primer dolazi u bijeloj plastičnoj tubici te sadrži 25mL proizvoda. Ovaj proizvod obećava prekrivanje neujednačenosti boje tena i crvenila, smanjivanje pora te popunjavanje sitnijih bora. Oduševio me opis proizvoda sa službene wet'n'wild stranice pa ću vam ga kopirati ispod:
"Remember when you were a kid, watching fairy tales, wishing you had a
magic potion to transform yourself instantly into a glamorous princess?
Well, we’re here to make your dreams come true! This miraculous primer
can be used all over your face to minimize the appearance of pores, fill
in fine lines and wrinkles, even out skin tone, prevent your foundation
from caking, and brighten your complexion for ultra-vibrant color that
lasts all day. Magic! How does it do this? Because we basically put
diamonds in a bottle! No, really, we did. The key ingredient in this
miracle primer is white sapphire, formulated into a smooth, silky cream
that glides on effortlessly, leaving behind a crystal complexion. Just
think of us as your fairy godmother!"
Baza stvarno smanji pore te zagladi lice i pripremi ga za tekući puder. Ono što mi se baš i nije svidjelo je to što je dosta ljepljiv na licu i ima intenzivan miris. No, svoj posao obavlja odlično : puder ne mrda s lica dok ga sami ne odlučite ukloniti. Nije mi izazvao nikakve reakcije na licu te sam sve u svemu zadovoljna ovim primerom. Cijena mu je 38HRK.
'Only a matter of prime' baza za kapke također dolazi u plastičnoj, bijeloj tubici te sadrži 10mL proizvoda. Testirala sam ga nekoliko dana i već tada shvatila da je ovo najbolji primer za kapke kojeg sam ikada isprobala. Ovo čudo uvelike pojača pigmentiranost sjenila te produlji trajanje za barem 3x. Mislim da je ova baza spas za sve osobe koje imaju masne kapke i probleme sa nakupljanjem sjenila u pregibu oka. Dovoljna je sasvim mala količina proizvoda, nemojte pretjerivati poput mene :D Upravo zbog toga što vam je dovoljno sasvim malo proizvoda, ova tubica će vam trajati mjesecima!
Na GIFu iznad možete vidjeti swatcheve ova dva proizvoda ; prvi swatch je 'Only a matter of prime', a drugi 'Partners in Prime' iliti primer za lice. Baze imaju kremastu,svilenkastu formulu koja se vrlo brzo upije u kožu.
Na kraju bih vam još htjela pokazati 'Only a matter of Prime' primer u akciji. Možda sam mogla koristiti manje pigmentiranu paleticu kako bi razlika bila vidljivija, no uglavnom na slici možete vidjeti koliko ustvari pojača intezitet sjenila (paleta koju sam koristila je I<3MakeUp No photos please).
Na prvoj slici prva četri swatcha napravljena su bez ikakve podloge, dok su ostala četri sa wet'n'wild bazom. Mislim da je već ovdje uočljiva razlika u pigmentaciji.
Druga slika nastala je par sati nakon swatchanja i možete vidjeti da su sjenila sa primerom još uvijek jednako pigmentirana, dok su sjenila bez baze izblijedila.
Eto, to bi bilo to za današnju recenziju. Wet'n'wild proizvodi ponovo su me oduševili, pogotovo baza za kapke. Jeste li vi isprobale ove proizvode?
Kakvi su vaši dojmovi? Napišite mi koji su vaši omiljeni primeri :)
xoxo, Tina
10 komentari
Bazu za lice nisam probala... Za sada ni neću dok ne potrošim veliku zalihu primera koju imam..;)
OdgovoriIzbrišiA baza za kapke za sada se pokazala odličnom... Samo par puta sam ju stavila i sjenilo je bilo na mjestu. Još malo da ga istestiram pa onda ću znati dali je zamijenio moj najbolji Too faced INSURANCE primer..
Bilo bi mi savršeno jer je troduplo jeftiniji i lakše dostupan..
Svakako javi kako ti se sviđa ova baza, meni je odličnaaa :D
IzbrišiNikad nisam oprobala ovaj brend,kao ni vidjela kod mene da se može da kupi,ali baš mi se sviđa kako izgleda i kako radi svoj posao.Odlična recenzija,zahvatila si sve glavno i baš kako treba napisala.Zapratila sam te!♥
Hvala Bella na divnom komentaru <3
IzbrišiUkoliko želiš isprobati ovaj brend preporučujem ti ruževe, contouring paletu te primere naravno. :)) Odlična kvaliteta proizvoda za nisku cijenu
Nisam koristila ove baze, nadam se da cu biti u mogucnosti isprobati ih. Baza koju koristim trenutno je catrice baza koja je nazalost izasla iz asortimana, tako da cu uskoro morat nac neku zamjenu za nju
Misliš na catrice beautifying primer? I meni je taj odličan!
IzbrišiKoja je cijena baze za sjenila?
OdgovoriIzbrišiNešto manje od 40HRK
IzbrišiSlažem se za wnw ruževe, dok ostali asortiman za sada nisam probala. O ovoj bazi za sjenila svi imaju samo riječi hvale tako da ću je obavezno kupiti! Za lice mi je omiljen L'oreal infalillible primer, a nedavno sam kupila i Gernierov 5 sec blur, tako da su trenutno oba u rotaciji. :)
Hm, niti jednog nisam imala prilike isprobati. Kakav ti je 5 sec blur?
IzbrišiHvala na čitanju posta i komentaru ! :)